Coop Hisaeda en Matsuyama

JapónCoop Hisaeda



🕗 horarios

592-1 Anjōjimachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 120-854-744
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8701136, Longitude: 132.7404648

comentarios 5

  • 二神賢史



    There is a lot of information about the products you want to buy. I came to the store at 4:30 p.m., and although it was easy to buy as there were some discounted items and cheap items, they were often out of stock. I would like to see more control over the sales floor. Bread corner is difficult to buy. It is especially difficult to distinguish between closeout and non-closeout products. It's hard.




    The quality of the meat corner is especially good compared to the nearby Fuji. Vegetables and fruits directly from farmers are available at low prices and are fresh! However, since there are no points or anything like that, when shopping I mostly go to Fuji.

  • とおちゃん



    I had work nearby so I stopped by 🎵 I bought some coffee inside the store and enjoyed it in the parking lot 😋

  • KaNa Y

    KaNa Y


    I love that CO-OP has so many original products and fresh ingredients. Also, bakeries sometimes sell time-based services for 100 yen. It tastes good

  • Kartith Maxlayer

    Kartith Maxlayer


    Only safe and secure products are available for co-op members. It's also very convenient to be able to purchase items delivered to your home through joint purchases at the store.

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