Matsushima petit Hotel Bistro Abalon en Matsushima

JapónMatsushima petit Hotel Bistro Abalon



🕗 horarios

Sanjūgari-26-21 Matsushima, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0213, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-354-5777
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.3703751, Longitude: 141.0539606

comentarios 5

  • Philip De Friend

    Philip De Friend


    Well located place to stay with very friendly staff. There are two large baths which can be used by any guests, and the door can be locked so that they are private. The only downsides are that the bathroom within the room is a little cramped and that the heater in the room was a bit old, so the room got quite cold

  • Lorenzo Landucci

    Lorenzo Landucci


    My wife and I had a wonderful stay here. Our room had a private bath, tatami mats, patio, yukata and much more. The staff was extremely friendly and welcoming. They made us feel very comfortable. Breakfast and dinner were included. The food was fresh and sourced locally. We had a view of the bay, and watched the sunrise from our patio. It was a very romantic holiday for us. Thank you for the memories.

  • Tamsin Milroy

    Tamsin Milroy


    A lovely place to stay in Matsushima. The staff were very helpful picking us up from the station and returning us there the next morning. The whole place has a lovely retro endearing feel that we really enjoyed. My husband enjoyed the large onsen bath. The breakfast was delicious and quite foreigner friendly. Overall a lovely experience that we would recommend to anyone visiting the area.

  • Taylor



    Such a wonderful, helpful and pleasant staff! Thank you!! I saw the moon over the bay from my room. Their bath is so wonderful! Close to the train station.

  • Heidi Ng

    Heidi Ng


    Despite the European feel of this hotel (It will not look out of place if one were to stage Romeo and Juliet here), the beauty surrounding this hotel is decidedly Japanese. Ancient temples, fiery red bridges, sakura blossoms in Spring and coastal fare all year round. If you want to see what made Basho wax lyrical over Matsushima, stay here for a night and look out your window. Or better yet, climb the winding staircase leading up to a turret-like area, sit on the hugh chair provided and be ready to carry a sling to support your gaping jaws people! As dusk descends the Moon ascends and spreads her ethereal pale fingers over the islands. Their silhouettes will like black pearls glow, with a dusky sheen. The water then becames a mirror that will only reflect what is the true beauty of the night -- no not Juliet -- as gorgeous as she might have been to the hormonal teenage Romeo -- no, nothing so earthly as there. Instead it is the eternal elegance of my dear Lady Silver Moon. (There is also a very intriguing giant iron jar where people climb in to get cooked...soaked in hot water in the bathing area.)

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