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3-chōme-1-1 Itsutsubashi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-023-111
sitio web: www.apahotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2551309, Longitude: 140.882331

comentarios 5

  • Justin Roasa

    Justin Roasa


    Good value for money, the hotel had a public bath open for guest. The amenities are exchanged regularly Check in and check out are both automated A convenient walk from and to sendai station, hence accessible by shinkansen making my trip planning alot easier since I don't have to take into account the local trains timetable

  • Miu Aizawa

    Miu Aizawa


    🚪 Rooms were small, not really able to spread open luggage inside. Definitely room for 1, not comfortable for 2. 🧹 Room not properly cleaned, still dust particles around, even on the bed etc. And some room smells a bit. Location and staff were okay, no problems with food or anything, mainly just the small rooms and the room. Would recommend for a single traveler rather than a couple.

  • Kanin Supredanuwat

    Kanin Supredanuwat


    It takes about 10 mins walk from JR Sendai Station and you have to use the cross bridge to get in the hotel. And there is a noise from the train that can make you feel noisy.

  • Andy



    Horrible experience with the staff and accommodation at APA Sendaieki. Decided to give the APA chain a chance for our trip to Sendai and could not regret it more. The rooms do not have adjustable temperature control and recently, Japan has seen an unprecedented heat wave that has continued on into the Winter months. It was nearly 30 degrees Celcius (86°F) in early November. Upon initially entering the room, it was sweltering hot and we could barely breathe. The HVAC was blowing out hot air in 30°C heat! The wall panel which seemed like controls for the temperature were inoperable and there was no way to turn on cold AC despite the heat. Barely being able to breathe, I called the front desk to tell them that the AC was broken. To our surprise, we were told that the temperature was centrally controlled and that the heating was out of our control. What in God’s name were they thinking, turning on the heat during a heat wave? The staff were inflexible and could not use common sense to turn on the AC to accommodate the insanely hot weather. We were told by the front desk that there was no way the AC would be turned on despite our difficulty breathing in the hot room. It was too late to refund as we had already checked in. Our only choices, per the front desk, were to “leave our room door open” or to “open the window”. I don’t even need to say how ridiculous it is to tell hotel guests to leave their doors open for any and all to come in and steal their valuables such as cash / passports / business documents. Completely unacceptable in terms of guest safety. It’s laughable that they would even suggest this instead of doing the smart thing and switching off the heat in 30°C weather… The other option was to “open the window”. Now first of all, the window barely cracked open, which was not enough ventilation to offset the central heating. Secondly, due to this hotel’s proximity to the train tracks of Sendai Station, there were constant trains every 5 minutes from 6am in the morning to 12am at night. Thus, we were forced to listen to trains coming in all night to the point where conversations were inaudible unless we yelled. The train noises plus the unbearable heat kept us up and prevented any good sleep we could’ve had in Sendai. Please take a listen and see what we had to endure for 4 days and nights, due to the hotel’s unwillingness to turn off central heating in 30°C temperature. Check the temperature data for Japan in October/November 2023 if you don’t believe me about the heatwave. The city of Sendai itself was beyond beautiful, but the trip was spoiled by our stay at APA hotels. Save yourself the stress and don’t waste your hard earned money with APA.

  • Christine Jay Kleinhaus

    Christine Jay Kleinhaus


    I loved this hotel. It's walking distance from the station (about 750m). Professional reception staff helped me check in easily even though I have little Japanese ability. The room was pristine and had everything I needed. The best was having my own shower. The bed was very comfortable and I had enough pillows with adequate support. They have a beautiful public bath too, (if you are into public nudity 😂 ) You can also select a breakfast option that provides Western Continental options and Japanese cuisine. They have a restaurant and a convenience store too. Checkout was at 10:00 and was simple and instant. I recommend this place for sure.

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