Marco Polo en Yatsushiro

JapónMarco Polo



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-4-50 Honmachi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 866-0861, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 965-32-0588
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.5040746, Longitude: 130.6009892

comentarios 5

  • ウエイトフェイス



    I went there for the first time by myself when I was a second year high school student! I ordered a hamburger set! It was so delicious! The hamburger steak was well-kneaded and had a gentle taste! The thing I remember most was the gratin (?) that was on the side! It was a flavor I had never had at home, but it was delicious and I wanted to go back to try it again!

  • K SANO

    K SANO


    A long-established store that has been in business for decades. Although the name is a coffee shop, the products served are at the level of restaurants and grills. A shop where you can travel back in time to the Showa era.

  • くろはな



    The onion gratin soup and hamburger steak are both very delicious and the taste and price haven't changed since a long time ago 😍

  • ジン



    I love the atmosphere of this store! I guess it's loved by the locals. I ate lunch today. Very gentle flavor ^_^ A crazy cost performance of 680 yen including coffee! ! Good taste and good price. Recommended!

  • 祐美宮本



    This is a hidden gem, and the lunch is cheap, and everything is delicious even if you don't order lunch. I have been using it for many years, but there is no parking lot, so please use a nearby parking lot. The puff pastry mushroom soup is also included in the non-lunch set, but it's delicious. The beef stew also comes with puff pastry and is just delicious.

Cafetería más cercano

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