Lykke cafe’ i Shimonoseki

JapanLykke cafe’



🕗 åbningstider

18-28 Yamanotahonmachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0838, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 70-5270-2541
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.988497, Longitude: 130.930214

kommentar 5

  • Me?



    I make a reservation 3 months in advance and use it every time. I enjoy the dishes every time, where you can feel the flavor of the ingredients and the food is vivid to the eye! Perfect for those who want to spend a relaxing time ♡

  • ninnikubana



    of cooking Arrangement and taste It's the best♪ Cake too It's so delicious♪ I was impressed. absolutely I want to go again♪

  • あ。



    It is a stylish menu that is pleasing to both the eyes and the taste. I had a set course that included a drink and cake, and there was a wide variety of cakes. Although the restaurant was fully booked until a few days in advance, it's understandable that the restaurant is fully booked, as the staff's atmosphere and the atmosphere of the restaurant make you want to come back again. I would definitely like to try the spring menu as well.

  • みー



    It was my first time going there, and the lunch course was really satisfying for both my eyes and my stomach. Each dish is so beautiful that it makes you feel like it would be a waste not to take a photo, and you can feel that a lot of effort goes into the cooking methods. I heard that the courses change depending on the season, so I would definitely like to visit this restaurant again. The dessert was also delicious, so I recommend using the cafe.

  • へーなみ



    I was impressed by the beautiful and delicate parfait 🥹 Each cafe is an art piece. There is a wide variety of cakes to choose from, and I ordered the matcha Basque cheesecake. It was so delicious that I actually wanted to eat all the types 🍰 I brought my 3-year-old son there, and he treated me very kindly, there were dogs gathered in the adjacent facility, and people I knew from the store came to visit, so I feel like the store is loved by the locals. I did. The atmosphere was very relaxing...🤤 There was a parking lot for 2 cars next to the store, but it didn't seem to be reserved for the cafe!

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