喫茶 四季庭 i Shimonoseki

Japan喫茶 四季庭



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2-chōme-6-45 Chōfusamuraimachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 752-0978, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 83-246-5252
internet side: www.chofu.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.9961776, Longitude: 130.988528

kommentar 5

  • 委細デザイン



    A garden cafe located in Chofu Castle Town. Enjoying tea while looking out at the beautiful garden You can spend an elegant time. There is also a parking lot in the back. The surrounding area is a prestigious castle town. Ducks are also swimming gracefully in the Dangu River next door.

  • かーる君



    I went there because I was curious about the loin cutlet curry. The staff are very nice and the inside of the store is clean and beautiful. We also had coffee for a set price of 300 yen. The curry was delicious and the cutlet was soft. The seasoning of the roux is also nice. Shall I have a sandwich next time? I thought both. I ordered an iced coffee, which also tasted good. Looking out on the terrace is soothing. The accounting seemed to be cash only. I would appreciate it if you could support cashless payment. Thank you for the meal today.

  • 007 tom

    007 tom


    I visited for the first time for lunch on November 11, 2023. I ate the roast cutlet curry (1280 yen).

  • Dan Hodges (DH Japan)

    Dan Hodges (DH Japan)


    Lovely Cafe with a garden view. F ood was delicious and coffee was first rate.

  • ほぼ山口県、日帰りひとり旅



    Opens at 10am. Roast beef bowl for 1,150 yen for a late morning meal. It's peppery and delicious. It's refreshing and doesn't make you feel heavy even if you eat it in the morning. A shop with a lovely garden. No matter when you go, you'll feel relaxed and forget about time passing. There are also sweets. The staff are also very nice. A restaurant where you can relax even by yourself.

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