BEAR FRUITS 門司港本店 i Kitakyushu

JapanBEAR FRUITS 門司港本店



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Japan, 〒801-0841 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Moji Ward, Nishikaigan, 1-chōme−4−7 門司港センタービル 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 93-321-3729
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Latitude: 33.9455425, Longitude: 130.9610642

kommentar 5

  • Melvin Sng

    Melvin Sng


    Had a good food after a long drive. Came in about 6.30pm. There wasn't many people. The pretty lady that serve us is kind and helpful. Even though limited English. Food wad great. Chef came out for the bill too. Had a good meal.

  • Herakliet (TwistyCereals)

    Herakliet (TwistyCereals)


    Very good baked curry here. Has hints of banana, and is just a rich and yummy specialty from the home of the dish. I highly recommend getting it with the beef in it, as this only improves the richness of the dish. Be warned that it is usually served with a semi-raw egg inside however!

  • Susana Yeung Alvarez

    Susana Yeung Alvarez


    I'm pleasantly surprised! The curry was delicious. Didn't expect cheese and egg to work so well. I got the beef curry. Please note there's not much protein, just a few pieces.

  • Simon F

    Simon F


    Yummy curry. Didn’t like the curry powder but worth for a few sprinkles. The Spaghetti was awesome.

  • John Dawber

    John Dawber


    Great experience trying baked curry for the first time. Apparently the thing to try when you visit Mojiko. I tried the one with beef. Served in a hot ceramic dish.The cheese was nicely browned. I recommend it. (Not spicy so don't worry about that) Quite busy so we had to write our names in the waiting list book outside but we only had to wait a short time. We had our baby in a stroller but that wasn't a problem, they even brought a kiddies cup with water and a straw when we sat down. Highly recommended.

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