アンパスカフェ i Shimonoseki




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒750-0025 Yamaguchi, Shimonoseki, Takezakichō, 4-chōme−2−22 ノートルダム下関 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 83-229-1030
internet side: unpasscafe.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.9504842, Longitude: 130.9243355

kommentar 5

  • J M

    J M


    You can take-out or eat-in. I ate a banana parfait. It's around 600 yen. But it's really delicious and the atmosphere is great! This is a coffee shop that you will want to visit when drinking tea.

  • A Shimada

    A Shimada


    No matter when I go, there aren't many customers, so I'm worried that it will close down eventually. It's near the station, so it's not that expensive, but maybe it's not well known? The lunch menu is small. I would be happy if they had curry or omelet rice. I only eat waffles, but the other day they had French toast so I ordered it. The egg liquid soaked into the baguette and it was delicious. As for the affogato parfait...I guess the parfait part is redundant. Tea is served in iron kettles.

  • なお



    I'm a foreigner who came here for business. Mainly in Tokyo and Osaka I'm walking around eating sweets, but in Shimonoseki I was surprised that such a stylish shop existed. is. I come to Shimonoseki many times a year. Something I never noticed about this store I regret it! The interior is Tokyo, Osaka, Even in Nagoya, it's fashionable enough to be at the top level. Beautiful! Also, I was surprised at the price the moment I saw the menu... It's amazing that that parfait costs less than 1,000 yen. If you live in a city, it should cost 2,000 yen or more. It looks beautiful and delicious, and yet Great value for money with sweets priced at 660 yen including tax. Too amazing! I recommend this place.

  • chel chel

    chel chel


    You can enjoy feeling like an adult in a stylish space 💕 Ordered seasonal parfaits and waffles. I made a great value drink set. I thought the waffles would come warm, but they were cold and difficult to cut. It is located on the second floor of a wedding hall directly connected to Shimonoseki Station. The underground parking lot is given priority to attendees, but you can use it if there is space.

  • boo hur

    boo hur


    Happy hour & pizza best

nærmeste Cafe

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