Lovers ROCK Sagamiharaten en Sagamihara

JapónLovers ROCK Sagamiharaten



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Japan, 〒252-0231 Kanagawa, Sagamihara, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 1-chōme−3−8 岩本ビル B1F
contactos teléfono: +81 42-750-5080
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5811268, Longitude: 139.3687854

comentarios 5

  • 来到



    I went there for the first time in about 5 years. I like the atmosphere, which feels like an Italian restaurant with a very calm atmosphere, and I think the customer service is good and the food is delicious. We have a variety of alcoholic beverages and an all-you-can-drink plan, so I think people who like alcohol can enjoy it, and we also have private rooms, so I think this store can be used for a variety of occasions. I don't remember the exact price, but this time I had fried gyoza (¥500?) and fried tofu? I ordered (¥500?) I didn't take a photo of the tofu, but it was delicious. It's been a while since I went there, but I would like to use it again soon.

  • 塩釜直樹(ナオ)



    I reserved a course and a counter seat for our 11th dating anniversary. The food was delicious, the drinks were made right in front of me by the bartenders, and I was very satisfied.I also enjoyed talking with the regulars, and it felt good to be able to celebrate with everyone. I would definitely like to go again.

  • SGT maguro

    SGT maguro


    Visited as a family of 3! The very kind staff listened to my wishes and I had a great time!

  • k k

    k k


    It's located underground, a short walk from Sagamihara Station. There are several private rooms with tables and a dimly lit, calm atmosphere. There is a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, and they are also relatively reasonable. If you drink a lot, the course is good.

  • Hiromi Kusaka

    Hiromi Kusaka


    The food is cheap and reasonably tasty, but the tables are too small and the lighting is too dim. It was dark with just a table lamp, but it was dazzling. I don't feel comfortable.

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