バーミヤン 東橋本店 en Sagamihara

Japónバーミヤン 東橋本店



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-3-1 Higashihashimoto, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0144, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 42-775-7207
sitio web: www.skylark.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5903231, Longitude: 139.3563741

comentarios 5

  • stabucky stabucky

    stabucky stabucky


    I go on Sunday afternoon. The place was full with many children. I ordered a set of mapo tofu and rice, but the mapo tofu came first and the rice never came. I called the waiter over and asked him to bring the rice quickly, saying, ``Can I just eat mapo tofu?'' But I still had to wait quite a while before it was finally served. The rice was sticky on the outside of the bowl. The food is delicious, except for the bland taste of the miso ramen. (March 24, 2024)

  • 福田智晴



    Easy to enter and served quickly. Healed by Nekorobo It's convenient to be able to pay with paypal at the table. The staff is also very responsive. However...I'm concerned about the taste of mapo tofu being retorted.

  • outdoor kassan

    outdoor kassan


    The staff and atmosphere were very nice, but the food was terrible.It was a daily lunch special, and the menu was something like deep-fried tofu and stir-fried pork, but there were only a few small pieces of meat about 5mm square. So, mostly Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, and fried tofu. In the menu photo, pork was the main character, but it was a very disappointing lunch after a long time. scam

  • Bijendra Khanal

    Bijendra Khanal


    Cheapest Halas in my area. You can get every asian spices and fresh muttons and also fresh sweets too in an affordable price. Thank you for your service.

  • Lovely Ailyne Sasaki

    Lovely Ailyne Sasaki


    The place is nice and the food is delicious.

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