蒼月 en Sagamihara




🕗 horarios

3-chōme-9-17 Fuchinobe, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0206, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 42-752-0027
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5712155, Longitude: 139.3935485

comentarios 5

  • ラーメン坊や



    I visited on a weekday, right after it opened. I was able to sit comfortably and everything from ordering to serving was quick! Of course the duck soba is delicious, but the tempura bowl is also recommended. I'm glad I can get my own water. I will go again

  • モコモコ



    I visited during the busy lunch time. The seats were full with the people after me, and three groups of customers who couldn't sit were turned away. If I were to write the words down, it would be a polite way of saying it, but my facial expressions, the tone and strength of my voice showed that I was busy, and I was turned down by a customer (in reality, I didn't turn him down straight away). (It's full, so it's going to take a long time. They haven't cleaned up, so it's going to take a long time.) It was filled with an atmosphere and aura that made you want to wait. I felt bad.) The taste was just delicious.

  • 小笠原正信



    This is my first visit. When you enter the store, you'll find a stylish interior with a nice atmosphere, including a piano and pleasant background music. First of all, I tried eating some cold nukisoba. The soba noodles, served in a transparent bowl that gives a refreshing feeling, are quite delicious. I wanted to take my time to enjoy the food, but the couple at the table diagonally across from me had long finished their meal but were engrossed in conversation without wearing masks, occasionally coughing violently. Because it's a time like this... In the end, I ate quickly and left the restaurant. It's not the store's problem, but it's a bit disappointing! . Looking forward to next time...

  • masahiro ohhara

    masahiro ohhara


    I've been curious about it for a while now. A soba banner standing on a street a little far from the shop It will be the first time After 1 o'clock on weekdays There are 2 existing customers I want to eat soba and rice So, I chose soba tempura♪ This is 1,298 yen for one bamboo steamer, small shrimp tempura rice, salad, and sweets. Soba doesn't have much of a scent, but it goes down smoothly and is delicious! Shrimp tempura rice This shrimp tempura is delicious (๑>◡◡

  • msk



    Today's soba is new soba. The white fish in the white fish tempura is Fugu! The soba noodles had a fragrance that spread in my mouth and were very delicious, but men may need a large portion. The soup is crisp and not too sweet. The mini tempura rice bowl that my companion ordered had delicious plump shrimp and a not-too-sweet sauce, which was unusual because it included a thick-grilled egg and simmered shiitake mushrooms.

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