ゆるり。 橋本店 en Sagamihara

Japónゆるり。 橋本店



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒252-0143 Kanagawa, Sagamihara, Midori Ward, Hashimoto, 3-chōme−17−3 マイランド B1
contactos teléfono: +81 42-700-5930
sitio web: www.hotpepper.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5951899, Longitude: 139.3466963

comentarios 5

  • E3 Wtb

    E3 Wtb


    It's a stylish izakaya, and the interior design is amazing, so I felt a sense of superiority just by entering. Over 10 years? It has been around for a long time and was recently renovated three years ago. I went without a reservation and was able to get in in about 20 minutes, but advance reservations are recommended, as it seems to be popular and fully booked. The sashimi platter is about 800 yen, so that alone is quite satisfying. There was a wide variety of sake, and I enjoyed the set to compare. There were other alcoholic beverages available, but the fruit alcoholic beverage contained fruit pulp and was quite rich. The sour is also great with a strong shochu. The grilled mackerel is quite delicious. This time I was lucky to be guided to a private room space. I'm also curious about the counter seats this time. Menu photos are as of June R6. I will go again.

  • 匿名希望



    I visited with my husband and wife. The semi-private room (an atmosphere similar to an early Showa tea room) was really nice. I was lucky that the appetizer was full of sashimi so I didn't have to order anything else. The seared chicken had a good texture, and the wasabi and yuzu pepper were really delicious, and it went well with the sweet soy sauce. Even my wife, who is not very fond of raw foods, was able to eat everything. Since it's just the two of us, we can't order a lot, and there are still things we can't eat even if we want to, so we definitely want to come back. There is a wide variety of sake and whiskey, so I would like to try a variety of these as well. I would definitely go there often if it were nearby.

  • ゴルフ



    Cosy Restuarant with chick interior design. Friendly staff. Amazing experience for grilled Saba that was burnt in front of you!!!

  • Zulfikri Abdullah

    Zulfikri Abdullah


    Good taste

  • Mark Charthern

    Mark Charthern


    Great place. So unique. Crazy design. Great food, drink, nice staff, music, and atmosphere.

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