little pool coffee en Minato-ku

Japónlittle pool coffee



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒107-0062 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, 港区Minamiaoyama, 3 Chome−3−8−26 パートナーズ表参道
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3403-0515
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.666342, Longitude: 139.715292

comentarios 5

  • ja

    Shota Inamura


  • Claire Williamson

    Claire Williamson


    Little Pool Coffee is a bit like a coffee oasis. There's very limited seating, but if you can grab a seat on the bench outside it's great for people watching and simple relaxation. They have a variety of drinks, both coffee and tea, including some very cool sounding lattes, so there's sure to be something for everyone. Staff are super friendly. If you need a coffee pot stop you can't go wrong.

  • Simon Wintels

    Simon Wintels


    Excellent espresso, very friendly proprietor

  • en

    Davide Tinto


    Nice and cozy place where to rest while taking pictures to the beautiful "villas" nearby. The coffee is kind of "hole in the wall" but the atmosphere is welcoming with benches and sunshade. The Plumcake was really good

  • LL SG

    LL SG


    Hole in the wall in a serene neighbourhood. Good to rest your legs. Salon right nx to cafe. Offered a fleece blanket while sitting n enjoying the outdoors. Love the little heart in service they provide.

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