un cafe en Shibuya City

Japónun cafe



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒150-0001 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Jingūmae, 5-chōme−53−67 コスモス青山 B2F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5469-0275
sitio web: www.uncafe-tokyo.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6630822, Longitude: 139.7084513

comentarios 5

  • Jarko



    Restaurant a bit hidden away, but it served a nice meal with several dishes. Very good bread, the atmosphere was ok, might also be because we were with too big of a group.

  • Ako Takahashi

    Ako Takahashi


    I visit here as often as I can, and it has always been one of my favorite places to spend the afternoon. The food is of course great, but the service here is also incredible. Each staff is kind and welcoming in their own ways, creating the comforting atmosphere which I always enjoy coming back to. The surrounding view is relaxing and whether you choose to sit inside or outside, it somehow creates that ideal Tokyo life that one might imagine at a reasonable price. It's at a slightly hidden area, but definitely worth finding.

  • Lynda Hogan (InSaitama)

    Lynda Hogan (InSaitama)


    Great spot for lunch. Suitable for a group, alone or a date. Delicious food. Soup is great and I love their chicken in an orange sauce. Fresh bread. Friendly, but professional staff. Menu is in Japanese, but two of the staff speak fluent English . Outdoor seating available. Good lighting and nice ambiance. Reasonably priced.

  • Alicia Kitamura

    Alicia Kitamura


    Cozy atmosphere. Perfect location by bookstore especially when you like to have relaxing time after shopping or watching exhibition.

  • Local San

    Local San


    Great dishes, relaxing atmosphere and kind services. It will be good for team lunch or friend setting. I had a salad lunch. And it comes with free drink and soup. You can get free refills. I had a lemonade and it was tasty especially good for early summer afternoon lunch.

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