Maruyama Coffee en Minato-ku

JapónMaruyama Coffee



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3 Chome-14-28 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 107-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6447-5238
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.665739, Longitude: 139.7142667

comentarios 5

  • Wirya Tjen

    Wirya Tjen


    + cozy small coffee shop i: i don't understand coffee, so i cannot give you any reviews about the taste

  • 강훈



    18.3.1 이 곳은 사람들이 많이 찾지 않았음 좋겠다. 오래전 가루이자와에서 맛을 보고 원두를 직구로 살때와 다르게 매우 비싸졌다. 특히 한국에서는 흔하지 않은 프렌치프레스 전문점이다. 매우 비싸지만 신선한 원두와 프렌치프레스 특유의 진한 커피 맛에 푹~~빠지는 곳. 진정한 커피 매니아들만 가시길!!

  • Krude Che-Hao Lin

    Krude Che-Hao Lin


    Undoubtedly, one of the best specialty coffee brand in the world. Top specialty and auction coffee beans are regular supplied, with several seasonal choices. Brewing coffee is used syphon and French press, and customers can make their own choice. Roast degree is basically medium, but there are others choice also. Coffee geeks must visit.

  • Tony Alexander

    Tony Alexander


    Down a narrow alley on your left from the main street. Follow your GPS and you should be able to find this place fairly easily. About a 5 minute walk from Omotesando Station on foot. The nice thing about this branch i that they stay open until 9pm, and is not usually crowded. This specialty coffee shop sells extremely premium coffees that are expensive! Only the a true coffee purist will understand that you have to drink single origin coffee if you want the exact and best tasting coffee. Every month the region where the coffee beans come from changes and you can get a good experience drinking coffees that were processed from a micromill! Highly specialty coffees that can only be found right here at Maruyama Coffee boutique. I love all of their Central American varietals.

  • 張逼機



    Cozy place, nice to drink coffee with leisure

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