Glaciel Omotesando en Shibuya-ku

JapónGlaciel Omotesando



🕗 horarios

5丁目-2-23 Jingūmae, Shibuya-ku, Tōkyō-to 150-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6427-4666
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6656547, Longitude: 139.7090071

comentarios 5

  • en

    Karen Li


    Tasty ice-cream and good service

  • Kingsley Yong

    Kingsley Yong


    The cakes and ice cream here are not vegan.

  • Jessica Li

    Jessica Li


    Really delicious ice creams, sorbets and ice cream cakes! Today's special was Muscat grape sorbet and you can see actual bits of fruit in it, really refreshing! First floor is a take out where you can buy ice cream to eat there and then or ice cream cakes to take away. The cakes are well packaged in a cooler bag and dried ice to prevent them from defrosting for up to 2 hours! Didn't try the cafe but I would expect the same delicious cakes are served!

  • Raymond Hung

    Raymond Hung


    Patisserie in Harajuku with beautiful cake and sweet. Excellent appearance and great tastes. Definitely worth a stop to try

  • Dian Amalia

    Dian Amalia


    If you're just being fancy mancy, you can go here. Otherwise, ben&jerry across the street is a better bet.

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