Le Pignon en Nagoya

JapónLe Pignon



🕗 horarios

2406-1 Tokugawachō, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-710-8877
sitio web: le-pignon-tokugawa.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.185919, Longitude: 136.933729

comentarios 5

  • nya nyn

    nya nyn


    The food was served first to a customer who appeared to be a regular who came more than 30 minutes after us. Even though we hadn't finished serving our food, they talked to us at the table and saw us off when we left. It didn't feel good.

  • ぷぅこ



    I went to Le Pignon for lunch to finish off this year's French cuisine. The wine selected by the new sommelier matched perfectly with the food and was very delicious. I would like to have the opportunity to visit you again next year.

  • 辛口豆子



    The dishes are always elaborately prepared and both look and taste very delicious. Despite having been awarded 1 Michelin star in the past, it is not too difficult to enter, and the garden is lovely, making it very comfortable and relaxing. The wine is also delicious ♪ There is a private parking lot across the road.

  • U



    Exquisite French cuisine while admiring the Japanese garden! I was able to make a reservation at a restaurant that I had wanted to visit, and we had lunch there on our anniversary. The store is located in a residential area across the street. This is Tokugawa town. The black color has an impact, but when you see the calm exterior, you'll be amazed! It's finally here! It fills me with a sense of excitement. As you walk up to the entrance of the store, you will be warmly welcomed by the store. When you enter the store, you will see an open kitchen space on your right toward the back, and at the back, you will be drawn in by the bright Japanese garden that spreads out beyond the windows. He showed me a seat with a view of the garden right in front of me. This is a well-maintained Japanese garden, with a magnificent pine tree in front of you, and garden stones and moss arranged in a contrasting manner. It's a garden that you'll want to stare at for a long time, but when you take a look, you'll notice a stone carving, apparently by Shin Ozaki. Since I'm curious, I asked the staff at the store about various things (they kindly explained to me). To begin with, we had finger amuse bouche with barracuda and red onions on top of crispy roasted green tea chips. Oh my god, it's delicious. The tension reaches a climax all at once. Next, we ate trout eggs, broccoli, cauliflower, and water octopus with a spoon, all of which looked colorful. White wine is also progressing rapidly. For the white wine, I had a dry and sharp Riesling (it was nice and chilled), and then I had a white wine from the Loire region called Chenin Blanc. It was smooth yet rich and delicious. Next, we had tiger goby, Jerusalem artichoke, and burdock with white sauce. The faint scent of blue cheese is irresistible. The next dish, the cod milt meuniere, was also exquisite, with a crispy exterior and a piping hot, melty interior. It melts in the mouth. I thoroughly enjoyed it with shallots and Brussels sprouts. Next, I had the pheasant grouper with red curly daikon radish and spinach. It's like enjoying Japanese French cuisine with a gentle sauce. The meat was bone-in lamb from New Zealand, and it was tender, moist, and juicy, and I savored it along with the taro, green beans, and maitake mushrooms. The punchy red wine of Cabernet Sauvignon continues to progress. Oh, and the barley bread was piping hot, fragrant, and delicious. The dessert of benihoppe, mascarpone, and lavender, as well as the tea sweets, were very delicious, along with the herbal tea. The tableware is also very nice and of good quality, as you would expect from a Michelin restaurant. There were plates and cups and saucers made by RAYNAUD from Limoges, which is said to have been a favorite of Princess Diana, as well as thin and sophisticated wine glasses. It was very fashionable, right down to the cutlery rest, and there was a sense of unity throughout, and it was full of taste. Everyone at the store was wonderfully kind, courteous, and gave us a warm welcome and consideration. I was also happy to see you off at the end. We had some great memories on our anniversary. thank you very much. I would definitely like to go again. Next time I look forward to.

  • Hazel Kim

    Hazel Kim


    Every serving is amazingly delicious. Very professional people who works here.. price wise is very reasonable.. u get every pennies-worth. Couldn’t-be happier for the service as well as the food not to mention the stunning ambiance.. definitely highly recommended and will keep on coming for more delicious surprises..

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