Shinkiro Mongolian Restaurant en Nagoya

JapónShinkiro Mongolian Restaurant



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒460-0008 Aichi, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Sakae, 4-chōme−6−40 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 52-263-7731
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.168157, Longitude: 136.912928

comentarios 5

  • Renato Saito

    Renato Saito


    Great immersion into Mongolian culture, food and music. If it is not enough, you can also wear one of the traditional clothes available!

  • VUズン



    Had a wonderful dinner here on my birthday. The taste of lamb is special. The inferior looks like Mongolian traditional Yurt and there are traditional costumes for everyone to try out. There are some good courses that you need to reserve before coming. I will definitely come back soon.

  • Ariunaa Haku

    Ariunaa Haku


    It's a traditional Mongolian restaurant. The boiled mutton is really good,and I think the hvvshur and buuz are perfect.

  • Abdulah



    1 big star for the friendly staff. They speak English and are extremely welcoming. 1 huge star for ambiance and decor. You really feel like you've travelled back in time when you enter the restaurant. And 1 tiny star for the decent food. I don't know if the food is what authentic Mongolian food tastes like but it didn't blow me out of the water. In reality I would give this place a 3.5 if possible.

  • Matthew Tyndall

    Matthew Tyndall


    Excellent all you can eat/drink restaurant. They celebrate birthdays in the best way. The food is delicious too.

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