Mielparque Nagoya en Nagoya

JapónMielparque Nagoya


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3-chōme-16-16 Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-937-3535
sitio web: www.mielparque.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1712347, Longitude: 136.9288889

comentarios 5

  • Neil Hall

    Neil Hall


    Good selection, we stopped on bus tour for buffet lunch. If you were at end of line the plates were empty. Kitchen was not prepared for our group even though it was pre ordered.

  • GettingThingsDone StressfreeProductivity

    GettingThingsDone StressfreeProductivity


    Superb breakfast With eels rice. Miso katsu ( battered fried pork with thick soy miso sauce) Kishimien ( flat noodle) and lot lot of asian and american style food. Located conveniently just across exit 1 of chikusa subway

  • Dr Michael Bates

    Dr Michael Bates


    My hotel room stunk of smoke like it had not been aired in a year & that was supposed to be better than the first appallingly bad room. Bed is uncomfortable, front desk unhelpful... do not stay here ... & I paid top rate : (

  • Melvyn Kong

    Melvyn Kong


    The rooms are small but enough to accommodate 2 people well. Place was conveniently located because it's a short walk to the station. Staff was very friendly and there will be staff that speaks English as well.

  • Fafadafa



    Nice room And clean ! Smoking room available ! Reception people realy nice and ready to help!! 😁 Little minus point , cant open the Windows... And the breakfast buffet is realy too little....

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