Korean BBQ and cold noodle MIRAKUEN i Amagasaki

JapanKorean BBQ and cold noodle MIRAKUEN



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2-chōme-1 Minamitakeyachō, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0875, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6411-9329
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 34.717506, Longitude: 135.4051614

kommentar 5

  • Ki Goo

    Ki Goo


    The owner kindly teaches us a lot about meat! Each and every dish was delicious.

  • take pon

    take pon


    The Yakiniku restaurant you visit when you want to eat Yakiniku with delicious sauce Tongue salt is an unusual way of slicing the tongue from the base first, but you can enjoy all of the tongue in one dish. The special bone-in short ribs are large enough to fill the entire roaster, and the staff grills them for you and serves them at the most delicious timing. Kamimino is also a must-order dish! It may seem a little pricey, but the high quality meat is served in a reasonable amount, so once you try it, you'll be satisfied with the price. The cold noodles at the end are also popular.




    purpose of going → Dinner. What was it like when you went there? →The atmosphere was calmer than I expected, and the quality of the meat was high. Recommendations for next customer →The famous tongue salt and special ribs were especially delicious. supplement →There is a parking lot right next to the store, which is very convenient.

  • shin K

    shin K


    Since the reviews were highly rated, we decided to dine here as a group of 4 adults since we had some business nearby. I couldn't make a reservation, so I walked in and didn't have to wait, but it was crowded with customers. There was no smoke inside the store, probably due to the high performance of the ventilation fans. All the meat was clean, odorless, and delicious. The bone-in short ribs were especially impressive. I shared it among 4 people, and it was quite filling and the white rice went on and on. I finished my meal with Morioka cold noodles, and although I was full, the noodles had just the right amount of sourness and a nice texture that made them go smoothly. The kimchi was served lightly and was perfect for refreshing the palate. The service was perfect, as the delivery was quick and the hall staff were well-equipped!

  • Mark Cathcart

    Mark Cathcart


    About as good as Yakiniku gets. A little pricey, but worth it!

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