Sushiro Amagasaki Osho i Amagasaki

JapanSushiro Amagasaki Osho



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-10-33 Ōshōkita, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0063, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6430-0339
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7296338, Longitude: 135.3904361

kommentar 5

  • Mejri Larbi

    Mejri Larbi


    Nice place

  • Alina Scanlan

    Alina Scanlan


    Love the selection of sushi!!

  • Keiichi Katsushima

    Keiichi Katsushima


    If you come to Amagasaki-city, I recommend you this conveyor belt sushi restaurant. Reasonable price, Abundant menu, Comfortable atmosphere. Lunch time and dinner time, it will be crowded. Maybe you should wait. In this case, I suggest that you should ask the staff. So you will know the staff can understand English or not. When the restaurant is not so crowded, someone who can understand English will help you. But busy time, it will be comfortable for you, visiting with Japanese speaking friends.

  • サニョ-ルクリス(JiaWu_JC)



    So far the sushi that I have eaten are delicious plus the desserts are great 😊

  • Jesper Jensen

    Jesper Jensen


    Nice sushi train restaurant. Fresh fish, nice test. But noisy as they come with bell-ringing every time an order arrives.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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