焼肉 激 尼崎店 i Amagasaki

Japan焼肉 激 尼崎店



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4-chōme-9-1 Kuisekitashinmachi, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0815, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5484-5090
internet side: omi-beef-geki.gorp.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7198211, Longitude: 135.4306162

kommentar 5

  • yan kazukin

    yan kazukin


    There is also an all-you-can-drink course where you can enjoy Yakiniku at a reasonable price. The course itself has a decent amount of volume and I think you'll be satisfied. Since it was Omi beef, the meat quality was not bad and it was delicious.

  • アマガスカル



    It's rare, but there are some restaurants that are ``cheap and delicious''. Yakiniku Geki is a ``cheap, delicious, fresh, and plentiful'' Yakiniku restaurant. And even a yakiniku amateur like me can tell by the appearance that the quality of the meat is on a whole other level! I was surprised by the deliciousness of the rebechi, which was more than just saying, "It's better than the restaurant I usually eat at." Moreover, the portions are large enough for one person, so three of us came to the store and ate various parts in one or two portions. The tongue, skirt steak, hiuchi, triangular ribs, slices, tecchan, mino, and loin were all excellent! Even so, the Hiuchi was so amazingly delicious that I kept coming back for more. If you have the stomach for Morioka Reimen, definitely try it! Lastly, I would like to point out the customer service of all the female hall staff. Cheerful, polite and sure! Thanks to you, we were able to enjoy delicious meat even more deliciously. There is no deception in the signboard that says “Geki”! I will go again. There is no parking lot in front of the store, but there is an affiliated coin parking lot near the back of McDonald's diagonally across National Route 2, where you can get a free service ticket.

  • 敦子(atsuko)



    Used by 3 people. I forgot to take a photo of the 29 serving set and the cuppa, but I ordered kimchi, salted tongue, and Omi kotetsu. drink 3 beers I'm full. When I come to this shop, I always order Omi Kotetsu and Puri Puri Juwa, so I highly recommend them. I'm glad that the staff's service has become more polite a few years ago!

  • OZ OZ

    OZ OZ


    As expected, Mr. Geki is buying a whole Omi beef. Both the short ribs and offal were delicious. The cold noodles were also authentic and satisfying.

  • The crusher Garcia

    The crusher Garcia


    Its near to kinkakuji and free of parking

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