Kiwamiya Fukuoka Parco Store in Fukuoka

JapanKiwamiya Fukuoka Parco Store



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Japan, 〒810-0001 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Tenjin, 2-chōme−11−1 福岡パルコ B1F
kontakte telefon: +81 92-235-7124
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5906182, Longitude: 130.3986779

kommentare 5

  • Ahmed Ahmed

    Ahmed Ahmed


    Need to experience your cook your meat to the level you like it to be, you made the right choice coming here, where everything you need is within your reach and not to forget your dish will be one of the most delicious and enjoyable meals you will experience coming to Japan. Enjoy your meal

  • Jason Park

    Jason Park


    Very professional staff members! Was seated and introduced to the settings. The hamburger steak and meat was top notch delicious! Only downside was getting all the oil sparked onto my clothes from cooking so do not wear too fancy and put your outerwear away before seating down. Also there is no space between people so be ready to be crunched together 😂 I enjoyed the staff being aware that the heat from my dish iron was getting cooled so he asked if I'd like to change it before asking it myself. I will visit again! Arigato

  • Allen Yun

    Allen Yun


    Hambarg and steak is super delicious! The space is small, so it's hard to eat comfortably. I added Himalayan salt to the basic sauce, and the salt makes the meat taste better.

  • Jeff Chan

    Jeff Chan


    The wait was 60 minutes but was well worth it. No wonder there were so many Korean customers. The patty was so juicy and the shop knows what is the best to go with the meat: egg and their sweet house sauce. Argh, so satisfying. And the staff is so kind and attentive despite the heavy customer load. They even offered to heat up the hot stone twice with such kindness and they would make sure customers would have their coats hung during the meal.

  • Jasmin



    One of my favourite meals of all-time! Both the hamburg and the steak were delicious, especially with their onion sauce. They have English menus and I think I saw Korean ones too. Enjoyed it so much we went back a second time! Both times we got there 30mins before opening and were second in line. By the time the store opened the line had reached all the way around the corner. The estimated wait time was over 2hrs when we left!

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