うこっけいスープの店 天照(てんしょう) in Fukuoka

Japanうこっけいスープの店 天照(てんしょう)



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-1-8 Maizuru, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0073, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-724-3038
webseite: www.facebook.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5908198, Longitude: 130.3919604

kommentare 5

  • Chris Lee

    Chris Lee


    The portion of ramen is just right. I love the miso soup base. Very delicious! The shopkeeper is the chef as well. He is so helpful and polite.

  • Dennis Frehse

    Dennis Frehse


    I absolutely loved the ramen. Very delicious. I ate Miso-Ramen in combination with Gyoza. It was my first time here but I will definitely come back. This is not a chain restaurant, only this one shop exists.

  • Jayden Ng

    Jayden Ng


    Very tasty and soothing broth, and the owner is very kind!

  • Hogi B.

    Hogi B.


    Just had the Miso Ramen and what can I say, it's just wonderful. Chicken broth, the Miso taste not too overpowering (but you can order more of you like), perfect noodles. I don't feel heavy like after a fatty pork broth. Just perfect! English menu is available and the owner is very nice and friendly too. Absolutely recommended :)

  • Martin Varga

    Martin Varga


    The miso ramen was very good. I do not speak Japanese but I think it's a family owned and managed place and the staff is very friendly! Will go back for a chat when I speak more nihongo!

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