Kano Clinics i Shimada

JapanKano Clinics


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471-2 Ushio, Shimada, Shizuoka 428-0006, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 547-45-3038
internet side: firefox727.com
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Latitude: 34.8457316, Longitude: 138.1228318

kommentar 5

  • Lily Dianthus

    Lily Dianthus


    My endoscopy skills were good. I woke up an hour after the test started. However, even though I had requested to change the reservation date and time over the phone, it seems that the appointment was made at the previous date and time (the change in reservation date and time was based on a proposal from the hospital), and if such a mistake is made, the patient I was worried that there might be a mix-up. Also, even though I had made a reservation, I had to wait for an hour each time, and I had to wait for over 40 minutes each time to pay. Because I was under general anesthesia, I was unable to drive, and my family who had given me a ride had to wait a long time. I don't like having to wait unnecessarily even though I've made a reservation, but I also think it's not a good idea in terms of infection control. I was even more disappointed because there was a note in the waiting room saying that the teacher himself had recruited excellent staff members. During the coronavirus pandemic, regular elderly patients were chatting loudly in the waiting room, as if they were at a class reunion, and I found it very unpleasant to hear them speak so harshly. Even in other crowded hospitals, the checkout is done as soon as the consultation ends, and at the latest, you won't have to wait more than 10 minutes. This may have been because the time I was examined was during the coronavirus outbreak and it was especially crowded. The endoscopy skills and the doctor's personality were very good, so I hope they improve.

  • 川田泰広



    I went there for the first time because I was the doctor on duty on Sunday. There was only a small parking lot for 3 cars in front of the hospital, and I was waiting there for the opening. Then, a woman who appeared to be the receptionist came to the parking lot and scolded me, saying, ``This is the parking lot for outpatients with fever.'' There was no sign that it was a parking lot for a fever outpatient clinic, and there was no sign that there was another clinic's parking lot about 20 meters away. Of course, the people at the hospital and the patients who go there all the time know this, but it's only natural that I don't understand this as I'm here for the first time. I think it's a lack of consideration. Also, even though I showed my insurance card, the name on the text I received and the new medical card I received were both wrong. It's a shame because the teacher is kind and gentle. Very unpleasant. I won't go there again.

  • hana “Hana” s

    hana “Hana” s


    I made a reservation by phone before going, and when I met with the doctor at the reception desk or in person, he listened carefully to my symptoms, and was very kind and courteous. Since it's local, my family feels safe going to the hospital.

  • ak



    I use it all the time. We offer gastroscopy and colonoscopy, which are painless and painless and can be done under anesthesia. Before you know it, the test will be finished, so you can easily test it. Many people come from far away for this painless test. Dr. Ohara is friendly and listens to you very kindly, so you can talk to him about anything with peace of mind. The nurses and staff who always attend to us are very kind and provide explanations with a smile. It's just a cold - you can easily go for a test. It is my family's hospital that I can trust with peace of mind, as it is equipped with testing equipment other than CT and MRI. I highly recommend it. P.S. Around August 2020, my son got a cold and had a high fever, but he kindly worried me over the phone and said, ``Mr. XX, are you okay? Please wait in the car. I'll be there right away.'' Ta. "Are you okay? It's painful," I asked over and over again. During the coronavirus pandemic, there was no cold attitude at all, and I was grateful for the kindness of the medical office staff and nurses. Many times while I was waiting, he came to see me even though he was busy. Great medical office staff and nurses. By the way, thanks to the immediate treatment with intravenous fluids, I was completely cured immediately. Thank you very much. P.S. July 2021🎵After receiving the corona vaccine, I had some side effects, but thanks to the nurses who took care of me right away, I was fine after that. After all, your family doctor is important. I recommend it.

  • いちごこっこ



    My previous doctor was very kind and explained the medicines and treatments in detail, which made me feel at ease. Now, the department is different from before, and children are not allowed. Kanaya doesn't have a respiratory or allergy department, so I'm worried that I'll have to travel far in case of an emergency. It seems that the previous teacher is at a hospital near Abekawa Station. The facilities for cardiovascular and digestive systems are very well-equipped, and the doctor is a calm person, so I think you can feel at ease.

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