Shimada General Medical Center. i Shimada

JapanShimada General Medical Center.



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1200番地5 Noda, Shimada, Shizuoka 427-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 547-35-2111
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8455813, Longitude: 138.1841788

kommentar 5

  • 必殺仕掛人



    I think the hospital will ignore me even if I write about it here, but there was something I couldn't agree with. I met Suzuki's industrial physician Niijima and Ikoma Clinic and this hospital, which appeared to be a scam. I don't understand why the industrial doctor won't allow me to ride a forklift unless I get tested because my diabetes is due to sleep apnea, or he won't let me work night shifts, or he'll force me to test him at Ikoma first, but he won't tell me the results. Things have happened. Then, the industrial doctor made a big fuss at work saying that he would die within five years, and now he was about to be admitted to the hospital for an examination. However, since there was no explanation at all about what was wrong, I thought it was strange and asked for Ikoma's test data, and at a glance I saw that the AHI, which indicates the severity of apnea, was 15, and that if it exceeded 40, it would require hospitalization for treatment, but it was 17. It just happened in a moment. When I showed the test results, the doctor at this hospital didn't say anything. It appears that they concealed test results and fabricated critically ill patients in an attempt to defraud them of medical expenses by conducting unnecessary tests. To my further surprise, when I requested disclosure of medical information and received a letter of introduction written by an industrial physician, the test data was completely unrecognizable. There is no data on breathing cessation, so what happened to apnea? It would be best for this hospital to stop accepting new patients and investigate whether there has ever been any fraud. If you had an inpatient test with Ikoma Toko Hospital, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have gone to the hospital. I immediately protested, but it was ignored. Have the standards of Japanese hospitals fallen to this extent? In the first place, apnea is treated at the internal medicine department where I am suffering from diabetes, so there is no need to treat it at a hospital designated by an industrial physician such as Ikoma, which is mysterious. Totally wasted time and money.

  • すみっこ



    My mother takes care of her cranial nerve care, but the way a female nurse speaks to a patient's family is too harsh. I was busy working on Sunday, so I felt like I was in a rush. The young nurse didn't even say hello. When I asked a nurse or someone in the medical office, they told me to wait in their room, and they never came, so when I went to see them, they had already left work. Although the name has changed to Shimada City General Medical Center and the building has been cleaned up, the inside has remained the same since it was a municipal hospital. When will the medical center call me and bring me disposable diapers? I told her I would bring it around 8pm, and she asked me to bring it during visiting hours. I'm working and have family matters so I can't go.

  • ヒーボー



    I underwent surgery for retinal detachment at an ophthalmologist. When I was introduced to the hospital and examined it, I was already in a wheelchair (I was careful not to cause minor shocks), so I am grateful that the surgery was performed on an emergency basis. The whole hospital seemed to have a lot of young people, the inside of the hospital was very clean, and the nurses were very nice. I was hospitalized for 6 days, but I had a great time😊

  • emoemo z

    emoemo z


    This is a new municipal comprehensive medical center. Reservations are prioritized and smooth. Accounting is fast too. When you go for the first time, it's a little confusing until you get used to the procedure, but once you get used to it, it feels like a new hospital, well thought out and reasonable. There is a convenience store in the center of the medical department, which is convenient. There is a Tully's store inside the building, which provides a relaxing space. The parking lot is spacious and has plenty of space. It also serves as a regulating pond, so be careful as water may accumulate during heavy rains. Administrative procedures are well done, and the medical office staff are also working hard. We had to deal with a lot of things, but we were able to do it without any problems. If you look at the past comments, there are some harsh opinions, but it's not limited to this hospital, but it's not a resort facility, so don't expect excessive services. What you're looking for is different. I think we need to take care of hospitals like this in our communities to prevent medical collapse.

  • robert-gilles martineau

    robert-gilles martineau


    循環器科が特に進歩して素晴らしいドクターティーム! A very reliable general hospital with a very advanced and dependable cardiology ward! Contact cardiologist doctor, Mr. Kawahito, who speaks fluent English!

nærmeste Hospital

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