Fujieda Municipal General Hospital i Fujieda

JapanFujieda Municipal General Hospital


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4-chōme-1-11 Surugadai, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-8677, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-646-1111
internet side: www.hospital.fujieda.shizuoka.jp
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Latitude: 34.8611583, Longitude: 138.23003

kommentar 5

  • サマータイム



    There is a creepy, despicable old servant doctor in the endocrinology and diabetes department who receives guidance from the public health center and lies twice in the admission and discharge room. Is it necessary to hire a physician with tax money? The registered dietitian and physical therapist were better. Is it okay to hire that despicable vice president with tax money? Hospital director, business supervisor. Your lies will be exposed. Mori○, an elderly doctor in the diabetes department, is clinging on. Even when I was in the ER ward, the female emergency doctor stood behind me and didn't say anything. What did those two do? The female emergency doctor said to me, "I'm in the diabetes department. I think it would be better to cook some rice for myself instead of having to pay for private insulin to Fb during the typhoon of the coronavirus pandemic." Well, while I'm in the hospital, I won't be taught by a female doctor who invites patients to the diabetes class while leaning on her elbows and listening with her legs crossed. I think I was just talking to my family doctor. It's impossible de○th.What's going on with my ketone levels being higher than before I was hospitalized?When I questioned Mori○'s abusive language, the hospital administrator hung up on me.It's a wonderful hospital.

  • kazumasa



    There is a reservation system, but it is not working at all. Even though I went for a blood test at 8am and was scheduled to see a doctor at 10am, the doctor's appointment was after 12pm and I had to wait for 4 hours. What is the reservation system for? This may be due to the influx of patients coming from the Shida Haibara area, but we have to wait anyway. There is also a long line in the parking lot. Let's go to another hospital.

  • 北上幸雄



    He was taken by ambulance and was given only an intravenous drip, and no basic medicine was given. I don't know? I will never go to Yabu Doctor General Hospital again. City hospitals in Yaizu are also no good. If you live in the Fujieda Yaizu area, we recommend Koga Hospital.

  • がんつん



    This happened when I went for a medical checkup. At the end, he said, ``If you have any further questions, please come back.'' Later on, I had some concerns, so I asked again, and received a very poor response. They yelled things like, ``Don't keep coming back to me about this,'' ``This is something that should be dealt with by a dermatologist,'' and ``I don't have any free time.'' I'm an amateur, so I can't accurately tell what department it is or what the symptoms are just by looking at it, and I only asked because it was a few days after my checkup. I don't think I caused any trouble or did anything wrong. I think this is more of a human issue than a doctor's, but I don't want to go to a hospital with a doctor like this again. I don't really want to give a rating of 1, but...




    Good Hospital. Must need to upgrade the functions of the emergency units.

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