中東遠総合医療センター 地域連携室 i Kakegawa

Japan中東遠総合医療センター 地域連携室


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1-1 Shōbugaike, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0040, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 537-28-8021
internet side: www.chutoen-hp.shizuoka.jp
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Latitude: 34.7564503, Longitude: 137.9980866

kommentar 2

  • マツシタナオミ



    When I consulted with Mr. Nakayama from Chukyuen's Regional Collaboration Office about the harassment from the rehabilitation doctor Watanabe, I was really uncomfortable because he suddenly changed his mind and threatened the patient by acting as a doctor. Even though my position is supposed to be neutral, it's too cruel for me to blame the patient instead! What is the consultation desk? My anger welled up and I didn't want to talk to Mr. Nakayama ever again. I wanted him to withdraw from this matter! Obviously not sane! He was not a suitable person to be a consultant. Koji Watanabe Although he was hurt by the unreasonable treatment he received from the rehabilitation doctor, he was treated even worse and his health deteriorated due to stress. I won't lose!! ️

  • すずききいち



    I think it was around 5 a.m. I called an ambulance, but since his condition had stabilized a little, I just informed the hospital of the nature of the emergency and asked my father to take him to the hospital. However, the examination was too simple and they only checked my lungs, my heart, and my heart, and measured my blood pressure.When I went to a private hospital the next day, it was discovered that I had a ureteral stone, and my symptoms were severe. It was an emergency so I had no choice, but it doesn't seem like it's a hospital you can go to with peace of mind. They took my money, it cost me over 7,000 yen!

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