Kameoka Shino Post Office i Kameoka

JapanKameoka Shino Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Kaminishiura-16 Shinochoshino, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0826, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 771-22-4361
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0036342, Longitude: 135.6071844

kommentar 5

  • うーちゃん



    The staff at this post office are always friendly and smiling, and speak clearly and kindly. In the case of Yu-Pack, he gave us careful advice so that we would not lose money on shipping charges. Thank you very much for just me.

  • わためピアノ



    The parking lot only accommodates one car, so it's a minus, but all the staff serve customers with smiles. In particular, the male staff members are acting as a role model for the customer service industry. Thank you for your always pleasant response.

  • Jg.Pz. E100

    Jg.Pz. E100


    The parking lot is hopelessly small, so you can't go by car, but the staff at the counter always greet you with pleasant customer service.

  • mmk trd

    mmk trd


    ATM usage time is short. Saturday was a day off. The road ahead is narrow, so we recommend cycling or walking.

  • 大福は粒あん派



    The parking lot is small, but the staff are very kind and polite. It's a very nice place

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