Kyoto Central Post Office i Kyoto

JapanKyoto Central Post Office



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843-12 Higashishiokōjichō, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9866017, Longitude: 135.7570094

kommentar 5

  • Rachel Verity

    Rachel Verity


    Fantastic service! I needed a parcel sending to England, staff were really kind and helped me through the whole process. The postage was very cheap and it arrived 10 days later. Highly recommend!

  • Armond Chen

    Armond Chen


    as foreign traveler who don't carry any local cash, the post office always my fist stop after arrived Kyoto, the ATM is foreign friendly, the exchange rate is reasonable, and the fee is cheap.

  • TzeThon Chua

    TzeThon Chua


    Many Kyoto postcards can be found here, e.g. gotochi postcards, regional post office exclusive posta collect postcards etc. Perfect place for postcard collectors and tourists to buy souvenirs. This branch also has the special postmark 風景印. There are two cute postboxes outside the post office, one is the traditional postbox and another one with a geisha on top.

  • Patrick Hanley

    Patrick Hanley


    Wonderful service from the Kyoto Central Post office! I visited twice during my stay in Kyoto, and both times the staff was extremely helpful. The first time was just to send out some postcards. The second time was to send a box with some gifts to a friend in the US. Of course, it was pricey to send all the way from Kyoto to the US, even with the current exchange rate. However, the staff was extremely helpful in making the process easy to do. My lack of Japanese language skill was only a minor problem!

  • Kate Shao

    Kate Shao


    Nice service and English is okay. You can buy stamps here. It cost 70 yen for international post card.

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