Uji Kageda Post Office i Uji

JapanUji Kageda Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Kageda-23-28 Isedachō, Uji, Kyoto 611-0043, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 774-44-1099
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.8816384, Longitude: 135.7672936

kommentar 5

  • k mu

    k mu


    Female postal personnel should be retrained from scratch. When I went to take out my Letter Pack, I was told to remove the contact number sticker beforehand.As if it was a hassle, I removed the sticker and tried to give them just the sticker without pasting it on the backing paper. I have sent out Letter Pack many times at other post offices, but this is the first time I have received such a response. In addition, even though I stated that the contents were a cell phone and that it would be shipped by land, he kept asking me if it was a smartphone or a flip phone. Even though I was in a hurry, I was annoyed that he kept asking me questions. Either start training from scratch or recommend a transfer to another job. Very unpleasant.

  • 後期高齢者



    The direction of the money I withdrawn from the ATM is messed up. At bank ATMs, the bills are aligned in the same direction.

  • タマカナ



    Maybe he works by looking at people, but his words are blunt and very unfriendly!

  • H N

    H N


  • S M Owasiul Islam Owasi

    S M Owasiul Islam Owasi


    As always great service

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