Kamashin en Nasukarasuyama




🕗 horarios

172-1 Tanokura, Nasukarasuyama, Tochigi 321-0526, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 287-88-7132
sitio web: www.kamashin.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6606045, Longitude: 140.0942874

comentarios 5

  • ゆず鮎



    The only precious thing in the lonely countryside I am grateful to be able to shop at the supermarket and will always use it. employee shortage Looks serious The introduction of self-checkout systems should also be considered. selfish nuisance It would be better if there were no customers.

  • いしかわことん



    It's a small store, so we don't have anything we don't have. The atmosphere of the store is not bad. The overwhelming majority of users are elderly people, so is it safe to drive? Should I return my license? ? There are a lot of people who say that, so I feel like I'm going to get bumped into it a lot. I often park in front, and it feels like I'm suddenly backing up without checking visually. If you don't want to get in trouble, park far away.

  • 滝修一



    For locals, there are few supermarkets nearby, so this store is indispensable. It's convenient because you can find almost everything you need. I would be happy if the discount rate after the evening was higher, but I might be quite bullish😁✨✨

  • yukikaze supersylph

    yukikaze supersylph


    I came here to buy food while camping nearby. Well, it's just a normal supermarket, nothing special. If I had to say it strongly, I would say that the meat selection was relatively plentiful, but the seafood selection was a bit weak.

  • Nualanong Poythong

    Nualanong Poythong



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