Daiyu Nozaki en Otawara

JapónDaiyu Nozaki



🕗 horarios

2207-1 Usuba, Otawara, Tochigi 324-0035, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 287-29-1339
sitio web: daiyu-super.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.8402778, Longitude: 139.9625

comentarios 5

  • family ryu

    family ryu


    The clerk at Daiyu Nozaki store (Kikuchi-san?) doesn't say ``Welcome'' or ``Thank you very much.'' This clerk is usually the one I use. Moreover, I have never been asked if I have a point card! Why are the other cashiers smiling, but this one doesn't?

  • 林廣志



    Although it was raining, tomatoes and dried seaweed were cheap. Tomatoes are quite large and can be enjoyed raw, stir-fried in oil, tossed with eggs, or just seasoned with salt and pepper. It is my favorite.

  • 気ままなぶらり



    2023/4/15 It's been raining since morning today, so I stopped by for the first time in a while to buy an umbrella. Unfortunately, I didn't have an umbrella ☂️, We are holding a Costco fair❗️ I just received it at work, so I didn't buy it. ,,, I realized that the appeal is that each piece has a large volume and is inexpensive!! ️ Taiyu opens early in the morning, so That's good, isn't it?

  • 山田伝太郎



    This supermarket is open from early in the morning, which is great when traveling. Among Daiyu, the Nozaki store is a store with many bargains. Locals are lucky.

  • Thanh Binh Nguyen Tang

    Thanh Binh Nguyen Tang


    Sufficient food provider

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