Karuna Kamashin Oso shop en Utsunomiya

JapónKaruna Kamashin Oso shop



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-4-5 Ōzo, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-600-3221
sitio web: www.kamashin.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5740674, Longitude: 139.891048

comentarios 5




    Don't people who often talk to their relatives be careful? Shouldn't the contract be reviewed? You know who I'm talking about. Don't mention the former manager's name! ️ Even if you are a relative, you are a customer, so it is okay for you to say something back! ️ This is why I can't accept it even if you say it!! ️ For some reason, they mention the name of the former store manager!! ️You're the worst store manager.

  • Τάκεχιρο Aşina

    Τάκεχιρο Aşina


    二二、良き品品视でですですですですます。 Always a good choice. However, there was one person with tattoos on both hands who looked like anti-company. Caution! Always a good selection. However, there was one person with tattoos on both hands who looked like an anti-company. Be careful! Always a good choice. However, there was one man with tattoos on both hands who looked like an anti-company. Осторожно!

  • てるこ



    I was surprised to see that rotten potatoes were commonly sold there. The clerk at the cash register was just chatting. It's good because it works quickly!

  • Lee Hong

    Lee Hong


    iine like

  • H. Tkhs

    H. Tkhs


    I appreciate that it's open until 11pm, so I can stop by on my way home from work. There is a wide selection of products and you can find most things. Best of all, the parking lot is large, so I've never had a problem parking my car even during busy hours.

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