Otani en Utsunomiya




🕗 horarios

1141-2 Hiramatsu Honchō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0932, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-614-3911
sitio web: sp-otani.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5417281, Longitude: 139.9050129

comentarios 5

  • すず



    Has the variety of sashimi decreased? There are also more empty displays of vegetables than before.

  • m.y.h



    I always use it. There is a wide selection of fresh foods and seasonings, and you can feel that the buyers are particular about it. If you buy in bulk when the points are 10x, you can instantly save up to 500 points. When I was about to carry a heavy beverage case, the clerk noticed and kindly said, ``I'll bring it for you.'' I was moved! Added in August 2023 The 10x points on Saturdays and Sundays have disappeared and have become 8x points. I'm disappointed that the quality has obviously gone down recently... They no longer handle Tochigi Wagyu beef, only foreign products. I was shocked that the southern style yakitori, which I loved as a side dish, was gone and replaced with foreign yakitori. I wonder if it's because a dragon phoenix will be built in the on-site parking lot soon. Mysterious CGC brand endorser...

  • ぽん太



    I think it's a good supermarket that's clean and well-stocked.

  • S Max

    S Max


    The best store in the area. Shopping becomes fun.

  • Cabala Feng

    Cabala Feng


    fashion design, clean big but not cheap.

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