Kakegawa Station Hotel i Kakegawa

JapanKakegawa Station Hotel


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1-chōme-1-5-2 Kamenokō, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0028, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 537-23-5005
internet side: www.kuretake-inn.com
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Latitude: 34.7685023, Longitude: 138.0140712

kommentar 5

  • マサマサ



    It's cheap, but the rooms are small. It's not a problem for one night, but it's tough for consecutive nights. It's so small that there's no place to put your carry-on bag. I don't have a work space for 💻, so I have to come up with my own ways to secure space. The lid of the toilet cannot be opened fully, so the lid is always against my back while I use it. The toilet and bath are small, so you can't relax. Since it is in front of the station, there is some noise when the Shinkansen passes by.

  • ymk 883

    ymk 883


    The location is excellent as it is right in front of Kakegawa Station. As it is a business hotel, it has basic facilities. We also appreciate the welcome drinks, free breakfast curry rice, and other services. The only regret I had was that the room was quite small, perhaps because I had to install a large bed. However, if you just want to sleep, there is no problem.

  • Agus Pemburu Yen

    Agus Pemburu Yen


    Strategic place, rooms a bit cramped

  • Rexcel Mhey Zaragoza

    Rexcel Mhey Zaragoza


    -The staff is very polite and friendly, He will tell you everything you need and want to know upon check in. -They have happy hour that serves FREE curry rice and drinks like juice or beer from 6pm-8pm -The room is small but good and comfy enough. -If you are looking for a budget friendly but serves you well stay, this hotel is the best choice for us.

  • Márton Paulheim

    Márton Paulheim


    Good location. Breakfast included. Happy hour from 6PM-8PM with free beer and curry. Rooms a little bit small.

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