Hotel Grandhills Shizuoka i Shizuoka

JapanHotel Grandhills Shizuoka



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18-18-1 Minamichō, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8575, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3185-7809
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9714341, Longitude: 138.3910819

kommentar 5

  • Miu U

    Miu U


    Great location. 5 mins walk to Shizuoka station. The staffs are very kind. Not the fancy hotel but perfect for business and family trip.

  • Allister Lee

    Allister Lee


    Nice hotel really convenient location pretty much across from Shizuoka Station. Amazing views of the city on the higher floors. Nice big clean rooms. The common areas and hallways do show a bit of age, as do the rooms - but the value for $ and the overall kindness and hospitality of the staff make up for it. Overall a really great stay and would stay again in the future.

  • Paul Walsh

    Paul Walsh


    Stayed on the 24th floor. Very comfortable and the staff were very friendly and attentive. HAd a great sleep! WiFi was pretty poor, although I found that if I lay down on the floor near the door to the room :) I could get slightly better reception. Buffet breakfast in The Table was nice, but would like to see a hotel like this lead the way in vegetarian/vegan labeling - very nice space though. Some amenities in the bathroom and other at a more earth-friendly "amenity bar" near the elevator (more convenient than having it in the lobby like many other hotels). Plastic PET bottles in the room though.

  • Yujiro Kobayashi

    Yujiro Kobayashi


    Rooms, restaurants and top floor bar were superb. The staff provided the best hospitality. Very welcoming and helpful. Best location next to Shizuoka Station and nearby restaurants/bars. I would stay here again if I had the time.

  • Jayson Nip

    Jayson Nip


    Our friends (one who was born and raised in Shizuoka) booked the Hotel Century Shizuoka for our stay in Shizuoka. When we arrived via Shinkansen at Shizuoka JR Station, we were delighted to see the Hotel Century directly across the street. Check in is at 2 PM and we had arrived prior but the hotel staff politely held our baggage which allowed us to explore the area before we could gain access to our room. The check in process was quick and easy and right at 2 PM our room was ready. Hotel Centry Shizuoka must have some history to the building because they still use actual keys instead of modern key cards for their hotel rooms. Frankly, I'm not a fan of actual keys because they are difficult to hang on to and they make me nervous about losing them. The rooms are clean, the beds are comfy and the bathroom is on the smaller size but functional. The rooms did not have an ironing board or iron standard in them so we phoned down to the front desk and one was delivered promptly. The location of the hotel is very close to the train station but the central downtown area is on the other side of the train station. The downtown area isn't far maybe about a 5-10 minute walk, so it is accessible but this also means that the hotel is very quiet. One bonus of this hotel is that their elevators are glass and as you go up, if it is a clear day, you get a fantastic view of Mount Fuji. The Hotel Century Shizuoka is a great hotel for the price and I would recommend it to anyone looking for accommodations in Shizuoka. Stayed September 2016, traveled with friends

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