ペンションリリカル i Makinohara



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218-1 Sagara, Makinohara, Shizuoka 421-0522, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 548-52-6888
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Latitude: 34.684014, Longitude: 138.20308

kommentar 5

  • 163chi



    It's been a long time since I stayed overnight, and the food was as delicious as ever~🤗

  • むー子



    For some reason, the yakisoba I bought at an industry fair was sour and didn't taste good (ugh;) It didn't smell bad, so I don't think it was spoiled. It was an innovative yakisoba with a sour taste.

  • emoemo z

    emoemo z


    This pension can also accommodate banquets. The facility feels old, but in a good way, it has the warmth of an old-fashioned home. The food is home-cooked, but the quality and quantity are commensurate with the price. In fact, you'll end up with more than you can eat because you're so full. It's best to take it easy and not worry about it.

  • Yasu Ono

    Yasu Ono


    Used by a family of 4 adults in a Japanese-style room. It was 10,000 yen per person including breakfast and dinner. It came with sashimi, grilled shrimp, etc. and was ample amount. If you want to drink alcohol, you can also order 10,000 yen for a funamori or 5,000 yen for boiled kinme. The facilities are old and damaged, but I think it would be difficult to provide them for 10,000 yen. It's close to the beach where you can play on the sand, so it's probably good for families with small children. I also saw people surfing on the coast.

  • hr



    My family and I have been coming here every time we come to Sagara since I was a child. It's also close to the sea. Now, 3 generations of parents and children are taking care of us. Although the price is low, there is a wide variety of dishes and the taste is delicious. If you ask for a platter for an additional fee, they will give you as much as you can eat! I always come here because I like the personality.

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