クッチェッタ i Hamamatsu




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78-1 Mikkabichō Ōsaki, 北区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1403, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-526-1110
internet side: cuccetta.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7769505, Longitude: 137.5693516

kommentar 5

  • Natchy Ruinard

    Natchy Ruinard


    A pension where you can stay with your dog. The best feature is the restaurant's food. It's so delicious that you might want to come just for this. Although the view from the room is not so good, the view of Lake Hamana from the restaurant on a sunny day can be said to be spectacular. If you wake up early and go down to the shore of Lake Hamana, you can also enjoy the beautiful sunrise. You can also enjoy cruising around Lake Hamana as an option. I visited again the next day just for lunch. The food is that delicious.

  • Ragachan Happy

    Ragachan Happy


    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for always smiling and caring for us, even though we asked for some inconvenience. Also, lodgings that allow dogs and cats often have the impression of being less clean, but there was nothing to worry about here. Highly recommended for those who want to spend time on the beach with their cat!

  • 裕美



    I don't know if the bed frame is warped or the mat is warped, but it was warped and I woke up the next morning with back pain. There is no changing room, so you can see it from the entrance and living room. At least if it was a roll screen. The floor is also not pet-friendly, so it can be slippery. It didn't feel relaxing.

  • reiko M

    reiko M


    I stayed here with my family of 5 and one dog. The room and balcony were very clean and there was no dog odor at all. The food was all delicious, from the fish, meat, bread, and dessert. With a family of five, there might be something that someone doesn't like, but everyone was very satisfied. Since it was my dog's first birthday, I was also happy to receive cupcakes. I ate it up. It looked really delicious. The Big Marble and cruising were experiences that I wouldn't normally get to experience, and they were both fun and memorable. I'm really glad I went! thank you very much.

  • よっちゃん



    I stayed with my dog. The rooms are old but clean. It's a good place to relax with the lake right in front of you. The food is very delicious. From the appetizers to the desserts, everything was delicious. There was also a menu for dogs as shown in the photo, and we were able to eat together, so there was nothing to say about the meal. Very satisfied. The sink faucet has separate hot and cold water, so you can choose the season to wash your face. I didn't use it myself, but it seemed like you could use the laundry for free.

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