開花屋 楽麺荘 EXPASA御在所上り店 i Yokkaichi

Japan開花屋 楽麺荘 EXPASA御在所上り店



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1569-2 Yamanoisshikichō, Yokkaichi, Mie 512-0906, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 59-330-5577
internet side: www.kaikaya.jp
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Latitude: 35.0190889, Longitude: 136.5903425

kommentar 5

  • C F

    C F


    It was my first time visiting the store. I ordered the ultimate miso ramen. It was delicious as usual 😌 I thought it would be even more delicious if I ate it when I was more hungry 😋 My child ordered soy sauce ramen, but he said miso was better😊 By the way, you can use both cash and cards, and you can also earn d points.I couldn't attach d points properly at the ticket machine, so I asked the staff to do it for me.She was very friendly.😁

  • Takahiro KAKIZAWA

    Takahiro KAKIZAWA


    I received the ultimate miso ramen mini fried rice set. The soup seemed to have quite a bit of fat floating in it, but it didn't feel too heavy. The base miso flavor was strong, so the firm curly noodles mixed well with the soup. Fried rice is normal. Although it was called mini fried rice, there was quite a lot of it. Gozaisho SA Inbound is spacious and beautiful, so I often stop by for a meal. I was grateful that this store was open even at late hours when other stores were closed.

  • はがともゆき



    Ramen shop inside the Gozaisho service area "Kaikaya" The main dish is the ultimate miso ramen, Today I ate salt ramen as my morning ramen. The soup was a bit greasy, but the noodles were smooth, and the image of salt ramen is often that of yuzu, but this time it was sprinkled with bonito flakes instead. The salt and bonito flakes went well together and the flavor was good. The chashu is soft and delicious. Most payments were made using electronic money, and there were a wide variety of cards available.

  • 一谷幸一



    ★Tanmen review: I asked the waiter for less noodles, but he couldn't get through to me, so I ordered the normal amount. It was high in fat and not very salty. I added a little salt. There is little sense of tanmen, and it is better than not good or bad.

  • KO



    This is a ramen shop located in the food court in the Gozaisho Service Area (inbound). Today I stopped by for dinner on my way back from Mie. The restaurant's menu includes ramen-style noodles such as Ise soy sauce Chinese noodles (680 yen), Nori ramen (880 yen), red miso pork soba (880 yen), Kiwami no miso ramen (1,000 yen), and more. There are side dishes such as fried rice (480 yen), gyoza (210 yen), and fried chicken (320 yen). Among the various ramen menus, today I ordered ``Kiwami no Miso Ramen'' (1000 yen). This ramen is said to be a collaboration menu with "Isegura" in Yokkaichi, a local area. Miso from Isegura and soy milk are added to the soup, giving it a creamy taste and the aroma of miso. The noodles are medium-thick yellow noodles with a slight curl, and go well with the soup. Toppings include char siu, menma, green onions, and seaweed. The char siu is meaty and accented by the aroma of searing and the miso sauce. It was an authentic and delicious dish! Thank you for the meal! 〇Order details Extreme miso ramen 1000 yen

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