カフェレスト すみれ en Kochi

Japónカフェレスト すみれ



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒781-0815 Kochi, Futabachō, 14−33 スカイパレスニ葉 101
contactos teléfono: +81 88-874-1169
sitio web: blog.goo.ne.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.556232, Longitude: 133.5560785

comentarios 5

  • こじゃんと高知スター



    I visited again yesterday for the first time in a while (^^) I was planning to go to another ramen shop before going with two friends, but one of them liked omelette rice, so I decided to go with that. The other person knew that the teppanyaki Neapolitan and melty omelet rice were delicious. Both are delicious and I'm very satisfied (*⌒▽⌒*) Especially the Teppan Neapolitan has great taste and volume. I was glad to have it. ☺ [R6.6.10] This is a revisit to a request I made last August. This time, the requested menu is minced meat cutlet. Crispy on the outside and juicy and delicious on the inside 😋 Next is definitely omelet rice (〃^∇^)o_彡☆ Teppan Neapolitan too~😁✨ [R4・10・20] Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we were unable to eat and drink inside the restaurant, but we have reopened. I visited the store for the first time in 4 years. The measures against infectious diseases are perfect 👌. I'm not doing morning training at the moment. Daily set meals, melty omelet rice, and Teppan Neapolitan 🍝 are currently available. [R3・8・16]

  • 近森万貴



    I received the fried gurnard that changes daily😃Everything is delicious, but the yuzu tartar sauce is especially delicious with a bit of sweetness💕The side dish, eggplant shigiyaki, has an unusual seasoning that goes really well with the rice💕💕Bamboo shoots There is no irritation at all, everything is perfect 🥰🥰 Lunch is 800 yen and coffee after dinner is 200 yen. There is also a smoking area outside the store with chairs provided.

  • いっしー



    There were 5 parking spaces on the south side of the store. I couldn't find the Teppanyaki Neapolitan that was mentioned in the previous review on the menu. I had the melty omelet rice. As the name suggests, the egg was creamy and delicious. The sauce surrounding it was also outstanding.

  • よう月(お魚ラブ)



    It's a small restaurant away from the downtown area, but whatever you eat is delicious. It's so cheap that it's worrying. Don't miss the daily set meal, which includes small side dishes. Even though there aren't a lot of menu items, even if you go there twice in the day and night, you won't get tired of it, and you won't know what to eat. The special feature here is the homemade sauces. The sauces and dressings are beautiful and delicious. Especially Genovese with chives! As of 2022, the restaurant opens at 11 a.m., dine-in has resumed, and take-out is also available. Cafe menu starts from 2pm. After 12:00, the seats are full, so we recommend making your takeout reservation early.

  • D Fukui.

    D Fukui.


    This is the store with the best value for money! The daily lunch specials are especially delicious! The same menu is rarely served, so you won't get tired of eating it every day. Also, the omelet rice is one of the best I've ever eaten. It's so creamy and fluffy that it's called drinking omelet rice. I often eat it when I'm hungover. lol When you first go, try ordering the daily lunch special or the omelet rice. Oh, the pancakes are also really delicious. As expected, he is a former top hotel chef. The location is difficult to find, but it's worth going.

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