Mephistopheles en Kochi




🕗 horarios

2-chōme-5-23 Obiyamachi, Kochi, 780-0841, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-823-7871
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5594744, Longitude: 133.5355919

comentarios 5

  • Andrew Olson

    Andrew Olson


    🤩You have to check this place out! Amazing interior 👀 and great value for coffee, breakfast, lunch, or desserts! Will go again! ❤️

  • Timothy Fortin

    Timothy Fortin


    Great atmosphere and service. Food and coffee is ok. Simple food menu but has a decently large selection of coffee drinks

  • Beau Verdiesen

    Beau Verdiesen


    Amazing breakfast options. The full set includes soup, 2 different types of bread, salad, hardboiled egg, yogurt, coffee and tea for ¥880. It was fully vegetarian as well. Great value for money!

  • Paul Walsh

    Paul Walsh


    Funky looking retro kissaten coffee shop near Kochi Castle run by the Gendaikigyosha group. The individuality starts on the outside and just about everyone who walks by dies a double take. Inside, it’s all about the old school Japanese kissaten coffee shop vibe, complete with classical BGM. Mephistopheles serves “morning” breakfast sets all day and both these and the lunch plates seem to be centered around “hot sandwiches” or “toasties” as we call them in the UK. Vegetarians be warned that the potato and egg filling also comes with bonus slices idle ham - so best ask for no ham (“hamu-nashi”) if you’d like to avoid that. Siphon Coffee was also pretty good and I loved the design on the inside of the cups.

  • Floyd McDaniel II

    Floyd McDaniel II


    Probably the most beautifully decorated coffee shop I’ve ever been to. Spacious and individual lights on each table. The front door makes it look small, but there must be at least 20 tables in the first floor. Not sure, but the second and third floors may be part of the restaurant too. This breakfast set was ¥620, with an additional ¥50 choosing tea over coffee. No complaints whatsoever. Next time I’m in Kochi, I will be back!

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