Cafe Faust en Kochi

JapónCafe Faust



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Japan, 〒780-0870 Kochi, Honmachi, 1-chōme−2−22 おびさんロード内
contactos teléfono: +81 88-873-4111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5599855, Longitude: 133.5388103

comentarios 5

  • Ai M

    Ai M


    It was better before the renewal. I've been a fan for a long time and loved Faust Lunch. I went twice after the renovation. The inside of the store was bright, the walls were clean, and the seats were spacious. Cold drinks are self-serve. The clerk's uniform is cute! Unfortunately, the menu has been completely redesigned and Faust Lunch has disappeared... Casual brunch and doria brunch I received both. Honestly, I don't think I would want to eat it at this price. The food as a whole is tasteful and tasteful. The bread was cold and not tasty. (*Doria has a cat tongue, so it was just right) Prices have increased overall, and the menu and taste are a little weird. Has the quantity become smaller? I may not use it for lunch in the future.

  • まつあつ



    A stable modern company. Come for breakfast on a holiday. The atmosphere inside the shop is calm, and there seem to be many regular customers (although even if you are a regular, why not bring in the bananas you bought at the Sunday market and eat them there? ``This is what I always do, so it's fine.'' (I'm sure the clerk would be in trouble, too.) On this day, The Carpenters was playing as BGM. The clerks do their work with a decent quality. The food and coffee taste good, so it's a perfect environment to relax and spend your free time. Immediately after opening, it's not that crowded, but after a while, there is always a waiting list. I wish the store opened a little earlier. . . It can't be helped since it's a modern company. too Added on 2024/7/27 Renovation completed and business resumed

  • Chris Mayell

    Chris Mayell


    Nice chill vibe here. Comfortable interior, delicious food. Had the chocolate banana cake which was really good.

  • Matthew Billman

    Matthew Billman


    As a singer from America, I especially appreciate their music choice. Also the coffee was great - no half and half here, just the real deal!

  • John McGrath

    John McGrath


    So cute. Hot towels refreshing after rain. Cake was yummy

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