カフェ ふぃどるふぁどる en Kochi

Japónカフェ ふぃどるふぁどる



🕗 horarios

2-39 Kitakubo, Kochi, 781-0088, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-878-1839
sitio web: care-tomo.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5693939, Longitude: 133.5644187

comentarios 5

  • 井上靖彦



    It's usually delicious and relaxing. Before that, there is a huge shopping spot nearby, but this place is on a different level. It's closed on the third Sunday of the month and on Mondays, but if you'd like to relax without the hustle and bustle, come check it out.

  • にしむらじょうじ



    The second store in Tenjin-cho.

  • 濵田浩二



    I used to go to the store in Yorikachi a long time ago, but it was closed, so I visited the Kitakubo store for the first time, and the pasta was delicious. It was cheap at 950 yen including after coffee. The atmosphere is nice and I will go again.

  • bowl 777 (kochike)

    bowl 777 (kochike)


    Morning use It's called a cafe, so it's a cafe. What do you think about Kochi's intense morning competition? I appreciate the fact that you can choose from 2 Japanese, 2 Western, and 4 types. There are two Japanese types: regular and light rice porridge, and two Western types: regular and deluxe. I like that you can choose the deluxe option if you want to eat more. Sweet spinach juice. It was delicious ^_^ Food and sweets are relatively abundant for a cafe, and of course there are many drinks. Overall it's not bad, but the direction is ambiguous, is it a so-called coffee shop or a cafe? ? Does this affect the number of customers? ? ? Is it selfish of me to think that a cafe needs a power supply? visit again This time I had a Japanese set meal for breakfast. Quite a volume! It was delicious together with the deluxe.

  • 門田



    I came for the deluxe morning croissant and walnut bread, but instead I got just a butter roll. It seems like there was no stock in stock. I wrote the menu based on my recommendations on Homepage, so if there were any changes, I would have liked to know when ordering. As a service industry, I'm looking forward to it. . . When asked, ``What did you want to eat?'' ' The response in a sharp tone was the worst.

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