カフェダイニング パームツリー en Yokohama

Japónカフェダイニング パームツリー



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-29-1 Tsurumichūō, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0051, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 45-504-8900
sitio web: bwhotels.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5079929, Longitude: 139.6795192

comentarios 5

  • Kensuke Kaitani

    Kensuke Kaitani


    Much better than my expectation. The room was very clean and the affordable coin laundry is helpful to reduce the stuffs for my business trip. The single bed with a nice mattress was big enough for me to have a comfortable sleep. It locates just nearby JR Tsurumi station. Hope I could have a better breakfast next time as some of the foods are not perfect, for instance, sausages had no taste implying over-boiled.

  • Serena Tran

    Serena Tran


    I really much enjoyed my stay here! It's conveniently a 5 min walk from tsurumi station, very clean and very comfortable. I had no problems with the staff. They spoke English and were very polite. The cleaning lady was an elderly and even with the language barrier, she was extremely attentive to details. Even if I said I'd like to pass on getting the room cleaned, she said she would leave me extra shower amenities by my door. Beyond the expected service! Although, like many other reviews stated, the rooms are very small. I was a single person traveler with a large luggage and it was hard for me to get around the room. Other than that, I really enjoyed my stay!

  • Dan Bohmann

    Dan Bohmann


    I stayed here multiple times. It's a small but nice business style hotel. Rooms are nice and clean, and there is what you need. Cooler, actually, TV, waterboiler. Staff is friendly and English is no problem. The best thing about this hotel is that is is 3 min walk from a station that serves a direct train to hands airport. Besides that there is also standard Jr station within 4 min walk.

  • Lidia Alvarez

    Lidia Alvarez


    The room was supper small compared to what we had booked. The toilet didn't work properly and the bathroom wasn't very clean either. Our mattress was super hard and the pillows not really comfortable... Location is OK, tho. And the staff is super nice and always willing to help.

  • Sergey Bolotnikov

    Sergey Bolotnikov


    I stay 3-4 times in this hotel. It is a budget version and a bit small for newcomers. But very nice staff. Free WiFi. There is a breakfast options relatively nicely priced. Very near the Tsurumi station for Keiku and JR trains. Laundry machines are available. Toilet bit cramped. You can only sit down in the tub. Walls a bit thin and you can hear other people alarm. For people on budget is good.

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