Caffè Veloce - Tsurumi en Yokohama

JapónCaffè Veloce - Tsurumi



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-28-1 Tsurumichūō, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0051, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 45-505-3837
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5080389, Longitude: 139.6791361

comentarios 5

  • Isabelle Viar (Miharu Sokushi)

    Isabelle Viar (Miharu Sokushi)


    We stayed in this area for one week and with my husband we took our breakfast every morning here. It’s quiet, clean, and the service is very fast ! We took morning set. It’s maybe not a lot but it was very delicious and cheap !! ( 3-4$ per person for the morning set) I really recommend this place 😌

  • Truthfully MLB

    Truthfully MLB


    Have come here several times when staying at the hotel down the street. Good sized cafe with 2 floors that has extra seating upstairs. Quiet, inexpensive place to get a coffee and muffin.

  • Jongcheol Park

    Jongcheol Park


    Brand coffee 200yen and smoking room

  • Shino W

    Shino W


    I ordered their café au lait because they don’t have caffè e llatte... the cafe at leit, I ordered, has NO TASTE. I am so disappointed not only the taste but also their service too. I would not go there again.

  • Jorge L.

    Jorge L.


    Very kind attendants. There is no capuccino in this cafeteria.

Cafetería más cercano

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