カフェ カジワラ 201 i Oita

Japanカフェ カジワラ 201



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-6-10 Takeshita, Oita, 870-0265, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 97-592-8820
internet side: www.instagram.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.2412896, Longitude: 131.7318284

kommentar 5

  • ペイペイジ



    Visited for lunch. I received the recommended omelette rice. I like the demi-glace sauce on the soft and fluffy soft-boiled eggs. The ketchup rice inside has a light taste, but the bacon accents make it very satisfying. Omelet rice and coffee cost 1050 yen. The BGM inside the store and the atmosphere of the store are also good. It's also designed to be mother-friendly, with a restroom and a place to change your baby's diaper.

  • 影虎



    The taste and presentation were good. Weekdays are the best time to go as there are few seats. The scones they sell were also very delicious.

  • 空弥



    I went there for lunch after being recommended by a friend. I received the taco rice set. By 1 o'clock, most of the seats were occupied. The food was as delicious as it looked in the photo.

  • chiaki m

    chiaki m


    I had the limited time summer taco rice. It was the most delicious taco rice I've ever eaten! All kinds of scones were lined up at the counter, and customers were constantly coming in for takeout. The staff's customer service is very pleasant, and this is a store that I would like to visit regularly. Next time I would like to make a reservation for scones before visiting.

  • 鹿山ゆき



    The parking lot is next to the store, and the store is small with only four table seats. Scones are popular. The store staff was friendly and the store was pleasant. The taste is delicious and the cost performance is also good. We also do takeout.

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