Cafe de Crie i Oita

JapanCafe de Crie



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Japan, 〒870-0021 Oita, Funaimachi, 2-chōme−1−4 6F
kontakter telefon: +81 97-574-7160
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.2366866, Longitude: 131.6081989

kommentar 5

  • blackcoffeekan



    Speaking of taking a break in Tokiha, this is the place. Children can play freely in the toy department and it's a good way to hang out. Until 12:00, you can have lunch at a cheap breakfast price, and the pasta is delicious. There are picture books, chasers, extra coffee for half the price, it's close to the restrooms, there's free Wi-Fi, and there's a smoking area nearby, so it's nice. The new pasta Pepe was seriously delicious.

  • イブイブ



    Located inside Tokiha Department Store in Oita City. There are about 4 types of morning meals, starting at around 500 yen. I think it's perfect for a light snack in the morning. However, the salad comes with mayonnaise... where? There are so few that I have to look for them (lol) I want dressing ( ̄▽ ̄) A drink is included in the morning, but it's also a nice service that the receipt comes with a half-price coupon for a refill (*^^*) (There are many different types!) I liked Komeda's Morning, but now I like this one better (*^^*) However, since it's inside a department store, it opens at 10am, and if you go by car, you'll have to pay for parking. I wonder if it can be done somewhere in the suburbs? The morning of the photo is ・Sausage breakfast 490 yen (2 sausages) (2 pieces of basil ham) (1 slice of 6 slices of bread) (margarine) (Salad...tomato, lettuce, corn) (Drink) I wanted something sweet so I bought nuts for 140 yen!

  • M T.

    M T.


    It is located on the 6th floor of Tokiha Department Store. I ate the Neapolitan 640 yen, which was highly rated by word of mouth. If you get this taste at this price, you'll be satisfied. Even the children ate it all up. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a little more? Iced coffee M350 yen. The second cup is half price. Paid parking available (2 hours free for purchases of 1,000 yen or more at department stores)

  • とよひろ



    I entered the store around 12:40pm on a Tuesday. It's inside Tokiha. This is a relatively easy-to-use coffee shop. Many of the customers were grandmothers.

  • metamorphoseゆー。



    Enjoy seasonal drinks. It's a cafe inside a department store, so you can take a break after shopping. There is a smoking area in the back, so it is recommended for those who want to relax while smoking. You can pay with a prepaid card. I don't like fresh cream, but they are very considerate and will take care of things like omitting the cream.

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