帆足本家 富春館 i Oita

Japan帆足本家 富春館



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4381 Nakahetsugi, Oita, 879-7761, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 97-597-0002
internet side: www.hoashi-honke.com
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Latitude: 33.153429, Longitude: 131.657756

kommentar 5

  • 大内良子



    It's a very nice place, with a stately home of a wealthy merchant that gives you a sense of history, the sake brewery and houses are valuable antiques, and a large storehouse serves as a restaurant where you can enjoy delicious lunches prepared with ingenuity. The main building is a gallery with a permanent shop and occasional exhibitions of attractive items. When I went there was an exhibition of Persian rugs and Gabbeh. The buildings and streets around Fushunkan are also beautiful. Good things are left behind.

  • Eiji Kondou

    Eiji Kondou


    The Totsugi district of Oita City has a townscape along Hyuga Kaido that retains a trace of the past, and is now lined with cafes housed in old townhouses and ecological food stores. The core of this is the Hoashi Honke. The Hoashi Honke family was an old family that had been in existence for 400 years and had made a fortune through the sake brewing industry, and was not only the economic center of the area, but also the cultural center of the area, attracting many literary figures and artists. The huge buildings, including the sake breweries, which have been preserved and can be toured freely, are a sight to behold. The main building, Tomishunkan, was named after Hoashi family brewing's famous sake, Tomiharu, and was built in 1863, incorporating the architectural style of a prestigious samurai family with a ceremonial entrance. In addition to the main building, the approximately 2,000-tsubo site is lined with historical buildings built from the late Edo period to the early Showa period. They are currently used as galleries, restaurants, Japanese sweets shops, etc. There is a front garden when you enter the site from the front gate of the Hoashi main house along Hyuga Kaido. If you walk along the paving stones at your feet towards the main building, Tomiharukan's ceremonial entrance, you will find a middle gate on the left side for accessing the main garden. Anyone can freely enter the main garden and take a stroll. The garden is basically a strolling garden with a pond, which was maintained from the late Edo period to the Meiji and Taisho periods, and is well suited to the Western-style architecture often seen in the Hoashi Honke buildings. This garden is also a zakan-style garden that can be viewed from the main tatami room of the main house, with a gourd-shaped pond dug in front of the main house and an 8-hashi bridge spanning the center. In the background to the left of the pond, an artificial mountain rises, and this artificial mountain has the atmosphere of a deep mountain valley in ancient China, which was very popular among literary figures, and although it is not made of Taihu stone, it has a unique appearance with a taste for strange rocks. The official site of Fushunkan says about the garden that ``there is no special stone arrangement,'' but I think this rockery has a very special stone arrangement. The entire garden is a flat garden, but it is divided into a lower level with a pond and an upper level behind the pond, making it a kind of step garden. The stone wall on the other side of the pond, which is higher at the back of the pond, is set higher than the front, creating a three-dimensional and dramatic landscape that will never leave the viewer bored. On the upper level, rows of stepping stones create an accent in the wide, flat garden that tends to be boring. Hoashi Honke's Japanese confectionery shop sells the early summer sweet ``Minazuki'' all year round. If you like it, please give it a try. April 20th, June 23rd, 2022 (2022/04/20, 06/23)

  • 小倉友美



    I went to have tea. Since I had made a reservation over the phone, I was guided right away and was given a good seat in the back. There aren't many dessert menus. I ordered a Japanese tea set. I could choose two out of four Japanese sweets (I couldn't choose) and either tea or coffee. I ordered black tea, but it was nice to have a choice of Earl Gray or Darjeeling as well. The sweets were elegant and delicious, but above all, the room was lovely ✨ I'm glad I was able to spend a relaxing time❗️The burdock bento box is recommended for lunch, so I'd like to go there again💕

  • 西垣



    The shop has a nice atmosphere and the burdock coffee is delicious. The menu ranges from full meals to light items. It's a menu that looks good for your body. Stopped in for evening tea. We shared the cake set.

  • Orca A

    Orca A


    Use the cafe. The taste and atmosphere are perfect. Excellent lotus root mochi! We have Chinese vegetarian cuisine and fucha cuisine bento boxes. There are everything from Sachertorte made with Wasanbon to chestnut zenzai, and you'll want to try a variety of them.

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