もとまちカフェ&ベーカリー i Oita




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒870-0171 Oita, Hōshōdai, 1-chōme−2−8 天然館 101
kontakter telefon: +81 97-507-6286
internet side: facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.227097, Longitude: 131.65999

kommentar 5

  • yy.lalala



    Visited for lunch. I ate the chicken nanban and the burger, and both were exquisitely prepared and delicious.

  • てい



    Visited for a morning meal. We are open from 7am. This time I chose the clam chowder set. It was very filling and delicious. I would like to visit again.

  • さき



    Second visit to the store✨💕 I used to come here for lunch, but this time I came here for breakfast ^ ^ I love the fries for lunch and this is already my favorite restaurant 🎶 There were 6 or 7 items on the menu even in the morning, and my friend and I both went for the cheese omelet set🧀The omelets were fluffy and delicious~💕 600 yen includes hard cream cheese and cranberry bread, chewy rolls, and a drink! ! ! ✨I was surprised🫢 Does the bread differ depending on the day? ? My friend had the fig hard bread! 💖 There were not many people even on weekdays, so I think it's safe to go on holidays as soon as it opens! I'm also interested in the other menu items so I'll definitely come back! !

  • チェリー



    I always gave up because the parking lot was full during lunch, but on my third visit, I finally got in. Ordered clam chowder for lunch. My wife ordered grilled chicken and winter vegetable yuzu pepper cream busta. From the appetizer salad, everything is stylish and delicious. And the long-awaited clam chowder is rich and delicious with white sauce, finely chopped vegetables, and clam extract. Half sandwich? It has quite a volume. I love that you can choose from two types of ingredients. ⚫︎Shrimp and avocado ⚫︎Choose grilled chicken and camembert cheese. The melty texture of the Camembert cheese, the juicy tomatoes, and the spices of the grilled chicken are the best! The amount of fries that came with it was quite large for one person, and I regret having ordered dessert. I am full. When I took a bite of the basta that my wife ordered, I had no idea to mix yuzu pepper with the basta. Refreshing and delicious. Repeater confirmed ♪ Thank you for the meal.

  • ラッキーちゃん



    Early October 2023 This is a restaurant that my family likes, so we went there together. There are several types of lunch menus (I think...?), and I ordered today's pasta. It took a while to be served because there were a lot of customers, but the salad, pasta, bread, and drink were all delicious. *It may be better to make a reservation. *Please note that the parking lot is small.

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